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Oral Presentation Prize

Royal Meteorological Society

5th July 2022

The Oral Presentation Prize is awarded to a small number of the best oral presentations given at the annual Student and Early Career Scientists Conference.

My talk was titled 'Changes in the extratropical response to the Madden-Julian Oscillation'

Poster Presentation Prize

Royal Meteorological Society

June 2021

The Poster Presentation Prize is awarded to a handful of the best posters presented at the RMetS Student and Early Career Sciences Conference.

The poster was titled 'The MJO and its Teleconnections' and can be found on my Posters page

MMath Final Assessment Prize

University of East Anglia

July 2020

The MMath Final Assessment Prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners 'for distinguished performance in the Final Assessment'.

The prize is given to the student who achieves the highest overall degree mark on the MMath course.

BSc Final Year Project Prize

University of East Anglia

July 2019

The BSc Final Year Project Prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners to the student who recieves the highest mark in the Third Year BSc Project within the School of Mathematics.

The project was titled 'The Mathematics of Deadly Waves' and was supervised by Dr Anna Kalogirou.

Dominic Russel Prize

University of East Anglia

July 2017

The Dominic Russel prize is awarded in the honour of its namesake 'for exceptional efforts in helping other undergraduate students registered in the School of Mathematics to have a greater understanding of their studies'.

Recipients of the prize are nominated by their fellow students within the school.

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